Pousada e Restaurante do BobóSão José da Coroa Grande, PE
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Pousada e Restaurante do bobo à sua melhor opção em São José da coroa grande pe THE ECO DISCOVERY TOURS AMAZON-BRAZIL is a special a travel agency with ten-year experience on the tourism market in the Amazon region and around, appears in several national and international travel guides and offers a full pallet of trips in the close and far environment of Manaus, depending of guests time and money. We offer programs to the four main points of the Amazon area. In the south Mamori, Juma e Janauacá. In the extreme north Presidente Figueiredo. In the east the national park Jaú and Rio Negro. In the west Rio Urubu. We make possible desires and dreams of our customers and try to fulfill all expectations within the time interval and financial possibilities. We bring you in contact with the different culture of the amazon population to argue without to trying to modify this culture o satisfy your expectations and interests. We understand ourselves as an equipe with high moral and cultural responsibility, always trying the best for our customers, respecting the different ecological systems and local cultures of the Amazon population. In this way we almost bring to the Touriste the extraordinary genuinely brasilian high-lights. Sometimes there are only little details, like a simple river inhabitant expressing joy or sadness or communicating in his own natural environment, unknown for city dweller. General Location: Tour contact: Eco Discovery Tours: Manaus – Amazonas – Brazil Rua dos Andradas 464, first floor, Manaus-Center. Meeting Point with Internet. [email protected] Skype''': ecodiscoverytours The Eco Discovery Tours is the only agency which atually is contracted by all others agencys to make the Jaú tour. see http://www.receita.fazenda.gov.br/PessoaJuridica/CNPJ/cnpjreva/Cnpjreva_Solicitacao.asp CNPJ : 03444880000183 (with this number you can get the oficial information of brazilian federal goverment about he legality of the employment) FOR TURIST JAPON http://park15.wakwak.com/~kimamasekairyoko/Joho/Joho08Brasil.htm RECOMMENDED BY SEVERAL TRAVEL BOOKS TOUR OPERATOR